Sunday, October 18, 2009


Treat everyone and everything with loving compassion. When you see no difference between the sacred and the profane, the saint or the sinner, that is the ultimate wisdom.


Unite all things. When all of your energies are going in the same direction, great things will happen. When you unify others, success is assured. Work in harmony with the Way, and all things will flourish.


What happens to you does not matter; What you become through those experiences is all that is significant. This is the true meaning of life.


What is, is. What is not, is not. No amount of wishing or wanting can change that simple fact.


Tranquillity is achieved when you are in harmony with all beings and all situations, knowing that everything is precisely the way it is meant to be.


Success is not found in what you have achieved, but rather in who you have become.


When the night is still, you can hear the silence. When the mind is still, Listen to the silence and let it guide you.


Your true nature is neither good or bad. It is not found in enlightenment or lost in delusion. It is the spotless beauty in all creations. Who then is the self you are accepting or not accepting?

Right Thought

You are what you think. Think it today, become it tomorrow. Nothing can help you or hurt you as much as the thoughts you carry in your head.

Right Speech

Say little. But when you speak, utter gentle words that touch the heart. Be truthful. Express kindness. Abstain from vanity. This is the way.

Right Action

Strive to always do what is right – not in the eyes of others, but in your own heart. Others’ thoughts are transitory – one moment they will love you, the next they will not. Act on what is right in your own heart, and there will be victory.


Each day, accept everything that comes to you as a gift. At night, mentally give it all back. In this way, you become free. No one can ever take anything from you, for nothing is yours.


When the pond is still, the reflection is clear. When the mind is still, the reflection of life is clear.


Prosperity is not in what you have attaint but rather in what you give away. . . For it is only when you become empty that you can be filled with something greater.

Problem Solving

The way to remove darkness from a room is simply to turn on a light. In the same way, to rid yourself of any difficulty, concentrate on the solution rather than the problem.

The Present

The past is over. The Future will never come. Now is the only moment that will ever exist. Therefore, live each second to the fullest.


To create Peace in the world, you must be unruffled within. Become tranquil, walk in stillness, and act in harmony. The serenity that radiates from you will create peace.


Watch water drop onto the rock beneath it. One drop does nothing, but many drops over time create a hole in the rock. Such is the power of patience.

Non judgement

To straighten what is crooked, you must first straighten yourself. Once you are aligned, the whole world looks different.


Become loyal to your innermost truth. Follow the Way when all others abandon it. Walk the path of your own heart.


All beings want to be loved and accepted. That is something you can give to them. Love completely, unselfishly, and unconditionally.


Through kindness, the world softens. Be kind to all beings and things. In this way, creation returns to its natural state of beauty.


Joy is inside you. Not in attainment of things desired, nor in the achievements of goals made, but in the simple feeling that lies within you. Know that this joy is unaffected by outer circumstance, and joy will be yours forever.

The Journey

Understand that the journey is as important as the destination. Enjoy every moment, and live life full, this is Zen.

Inner Peace

Inner Peace brings fulfilment. Attain it, and live works. Give it away, and Happiness becomes elusive.


The way of the earth is to empty that which is full, and fill that which is empty. True humility brings great fortune.


Happiness comes from within. If you choose to be happy, no one and no thing can ever take that happiness from you.


The beauty of grace is that you receive blessings for no reason. As above, so below. Practice random acts of grace. Give to others for no reason, offer kindness to those who are undeserving, love those who no one else loves. Practice grace.


To love people who love you is easy. Choose to be everyone’s friend, whether they like you or not. When you love and accept others as they are, you will have friends everywhere.


Those who say they know, do not know. Those who say they do not know, also do not know. Therefore, be quiet and let your actions speak for you. They speak much louder than your words anyway.


You can look… and you will find it. You can not look… and you will find it. That which is yours will surely come to you.


In Dance, no movement or direction is better or worse than another. This, too, is a way to view all of live. See all the “good and bad” things that happen to you simply as movements in the dance of life.


Find the courage to hold on to your beliefs, even if the world around you chooses to believe differently. Have the courage to change those believes that no longer fit the person you have become. In doing so, you truly become yourself.


Rejoice in whatever live gives you. Crave nothing else. Know that whatever you have been given is for your own highest good.


As a drowning man wants air, as the lover seeks their beloved, this is the way you must focus on which you want. This intensity of concentration will remove all obstacles.


Feel the pain of others. Understand there struggles and disappointments, their hardship and inadequacies, and open your heart to them. Realize that everyone is doing the best they possibly can. Judge no one. But rather, cradle all of humanity in your heart.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Be clear in all things. As a calm pond reflects the full moon perfectly, let your actions reflect your speech and your speech reflect your actions.


In all activity, practise calmness. To remain calm amidst the chaos of life requires a tremendous amount of focused energy. Be calmly active and actively calm.


The centre is not always the point of balance. When you find that place where balance is achieved, peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything rests without strain.

Zen Mind

Experience all things with the enthusiasm of a child, as if you were seeing it for the first time. This is the Zen mind, always new, always aware, always that of a beginner.